
Starbucks Buycott


2A supporters start Buycott to battle the Starbucks Anti-Firearm Boycott

Across the nation today, a group called National Gun Victims Action Counsel begins their Valentine’s Day boycott of Starbucks Coffee to bring to light the corporation’s unwillingness to support a ban on customer’s carrying firearms into their stores. There’s some background on the group’s demands in this press release.

Starbucks Buycott

Well, if you haven’t heard, the 2nd Amendment crowd has taken notice. They are mobilizingby suggesting folks spend a couple bucks at Starbucks today to show their support for Starbuck’s decision to allow any law abiding, firearm-carrying citizens to shop and eat in Starbucks unhindered by corporate policy. The use of a $2 bill is encouraged because it depicts the founding fathers signing the Declaration of Independence, though I guess it would make more sense if they were signing the Constitution…


Starbucks Buycott

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Posted by echigoyaworks  at 15:10 │News